Thursday, September 12, 2013

The War Mantle to Defeat Athaliah Who Targets Our Generations

Dear Believers,

Before I alert you to an urgent “call to arms” that the Lord has given me, let me lay a quick foundation. Most of you that follow me or have read my books and articles know that I am not only a freedom fighter, but also a warrior in the Spirit. I am beyond a doubt, absolutely convinced that Satan is assiduously targeting our generations! And, he is attempting to tear down the walls that we have previously built that would protect them. Yes, the walls we have rebuilt to protect our families, our children and even our church families are being threatened. Dear believer, this is war! Please give me more time to explain.

Strategies Revealed in Dreams

In my book, Dream On: Unlocking Dreams and Visions (Order through our website), I go to great
lengths to explain that God desires to speak to us through dreams and visions. Over the last month, I have had two dreams that I want to share with you in this article which I believe will give you strategy for your own generations. I had a dream just recently that the spirit of Athaliah (who was the daughter of Jezebel) was rising up to steal our generations. The plan was to lie to our children and grandchildren concerning their identity and tell them they were worthless, failures and cloaked with shame. If and when they believed this lie, they would no longer feel as if they needed God or they believed they couldn’t trust God. This would be because they felt shameful and pulled away from His presence. As a result, they were afraid to enter into His presence, as they felt He would reject them. Rejection is another ploy the enemy is using against our generations at this time. (Keep in mind this spirit is also attacking our church family as well). As you know, trusting God is foundational in our walk with Him. Faith in God is equal to believing that He loves us - unconditionally. Our enemy desires that none of us experience His love; therefore, he lies to us concerning our identity. He is especially targeting our generations with these lies in this season!

Athaliah, the Evil Queen of Judah

In my book, Breaking the Threefold Demonic Cord: How to Defeat and Discern the Lies of Jezebel, Athaliah and Delilah (Order through our website), I discuss at great length how the spirit that fueled Athaliah during Old Testament times is active today, attempting to steal our generations and their commitment to the Lord. Athaliah, as previously mentioned, was the daughter of Jezebel, and murdered all but one of her own grandsons to illegally seize the throne of Judah. Her husband was the King of Judah and Athaliah lusted after the power of that throne and murdered her own family! How vicious this spirit is! The same spirit that attacked that generation is active today.

Her story is documented in 2 Kings 8-11 and 2 Chronicles 22-24. She was also a Baal worshiper and brought her idols into Judah, just as her mother, Jezebel, brought her idols and false prophets into Israel. Interestingly, Athaliah targeted the throne of Judah, which means “praise.” She not only wanted praise for herself (lusting after power and authority), but also she desired praise for her false idols-especially Baal.

If you have read my aforementioned book, you probably remember that Baal worship demands perfection and performance. If the enemy has targeted our next generation, there is more pressure than ever before for them to believe they must “perform” for God’s love or attempt to be “perfect” to please Him. Precious believer, the enemy has set up false worship in our midst. The truth must be taught from non-condemning platforms that God is love and that He loves us unconditionally. Only the Blood of Jesus makes us righteous and holy. No performance of dead works, religious acts, doctrines or any other forms of perfection make us holy. I believe it is religion that is driving away the next generation. God is not seeking us through religion- He is seeking our hearts.

I know firsthand that I have attempted to be holy in my own service to God. In fact, if not careful, we can judge others harshly simply because they don’t do what we do for God. The Law was given to point out mankind’s need for a Savior. This is because mankind could not keep the Law. Yet, today, many still adhere strictly to rules and doctrines of men rather than focusing on a heart-felt relationship with God. Again, it is not about religion- it’s all about love.

I love the message of grace. Grace empowers us to fulfill our destiny. Knowing how much God loves us (unconditionally no matter how we might mess up!) will cause us to run boldly to His throne and then receive grace to fulfill what we are destined to do to promote the Kingdom of God. Jeremiah 31:33-34 says that God declared to Israel that under the New Covenant He would put His laws...”in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts...and will forgive their iniquity and remember their sins no more.” Precious ones, is this the message we are teaching to our generations? It must be taught from our own hearts (influenced by God’s love) to reach their hearts!

Night Riders

Last night I had another dream. In that dream, the Lord said that He was raising up present day Nehemiah’s- who were going to be “night riders.” In the dream I saw myself as a Nehemiah, going forth at night and examining the wall of Jerusalem and looking at its breaches and weak places. Nehemiah went forth at night to avoid the enemies of the day. I believe that there are many breaches in our families’ walls and the enemy has gained entrance to destroy our future. Today, many of us are getting strategy “at night” during our dreams because many enemies steal our concentration during the day! Yes, think of the stresses and activities we face that distract us on a daily basis. As I wrote in my book, Dream On, I believe God has to put me to sleep at night to speak to me- otherwise I might argue with Him! Well, after all, don’t many of us “have a better way?” I’m chuckling now, but I believe you get my point that He often bypasses our minds to speak directly to our spirit.

The same type of strategies occur when I travel from city to city or ministry to ministry- I have a dream at night and God gives me strategies to empower others to breakthrough! I am so busy many times just attempting to run from one gate at the airport to another that my mind is filled with Just how will I get there on time! that I just am not fully “tuned in to heaven!” Oh, how thankful I am for dreams from heaven!

Lost Generations

Dear Believer, again, it is time for war concerning the generations. Abraham had to go to war over his family and so must many of us. Recalling the story, Lot was taken captive by several kings and Abraham had to gather an army to go to war to free Lot. (See Genesis 14) I have written an entire account of this example of how to war over our family in by book, Destiny Thieves. (You may also desire to order this book. You can order it also through our website.) I highly recommend reading this book if you believe the enemy has taken your generations captive. If you recall the story, Abraham went to war and freed Lot from the oppressors and then met the king of Salem, Melchizedek, who was the priest of God Most High. I believe the timing of this encounter was significant. Abraham was a “Hebrew.” The word “Hebrew” means “one who crossed over.” What did Abraham cross over into? Abraham crossed over a boundary the enemy attempted to set up against his family. Dear ones, we too must cross over boundaries-lies, false accusations and religious mindsets- and loose our families from captivity. If we do, we will also be as blessed as Abraham, the father of faith, was!

Again, isn’t it also time that we warred, really warred, for our generations? Maybe you are reading this article and you believe that you have already failed in your attempts to influence your children, loved ones or those with whom you have spiritual influence. Please hear my heart as you read this article: I am NOT in any way saying that anyone has “failed” as a parent or pastor, etc., if we lose someone prematurely. That is not to what I am referring at all. I am writing with a wake-up call to those of us who discern the prompting of the Holy Spirit to pray! And, when we pray to do so from knowing our authority and that we are seated together with Christ in heavenly places! (see Eph 2:6). Remembering that we have already won the battle against evil because of Christ’s finished work at the Cross will keep us properly positioned during warfare.

No Condemnation!

It is this author’s opinion that it is not about our feeling guilty or condemned because we might believe we have fallen short. No, it’s about gaining spiritual strategy so that the powers of darkness which target our generations are hindered and, therefore, defeated!

Believer, this is another clarion call to wake up a slumbering church. It’s time to pray again, decree again and prophesy once more to “dry bones.” Remembering how the prophet, Ezekiel, was to prophesy over dry bones is a key strategy for us today. The dry bones were a dead army that had been scattered about. Precious one, our generations are like an army waiting for a prophetic declaration, a prophetic breath to cause them to live and rise up as an end time armed force! It’s time for a mighty army to arise and expect the breath of God to make them active and alive to the plans and purposes of God.

Will you join me? Will you ask God to speak to you divine strategies that will empower your generations? If He gives you strategies in a dream, will you wake up and write it down? This is important to remember. When you dream, take that dream and write it down because it will become a written decree against your enemy! If you position yourself for war against the spirit of Athaliah who seeks to steal the destinies of your generations, God will be faithful to give you His divine strategies to destroy every plan. I believe God is empowering you right now. Remember, I’m in the battle with you!

Please allow me to pray with you for your generations:

Father God,

I pray for each reader today and I ask that You empower them with divine strategies to destroy the enemy that has targeted their generations. I bind up Athaliah and every demon that is strategizing against us and I take authority over every lying spirit that opposes truth. As I pray, I know that You are releasing angels on assignment to protect our loved ones. Father, You stated that You would not only protect our generations, but that You will also forgive them of their sins. I thank You, Lord, for opportunities to repent, to change our minds concerning Your love for us and Your good thoughts toward us. I repent for our wrong thinking- believing that we must perform so that You would love us.

Thank You for Your loving kindness. Your mercy endures forever.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sweet Sandi: You are an amazing gifted writer .I thank my Dear Lord for you.My family become spirit filled and gifted,then the ememy come in like a flood to bring in fear and discouragement. Please teach me how to battle for my family. I don't have a Christian husband to agree in prayer with. You are so gifted I need all your books.I am out of work now I pray maybe @ amazon they might have one of your books I can read free or cheap. When I do get back to work I would love to be part of thithing to your ministry. Thank you so much.
    In Christ's Love Joanne Newcomb
