Friday, January 10, 2014

Accessing Heaven's Best Through Faith

Dear Believer, in the last post I wrote about being a friend to God.  And, that being a friend to God is a level of promotion.  Jesus said to His disciples  at one point in their training..." I do not call you servants (slaves) any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing (working out). But I have called you My friends , because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father. [I have revealed to you everything that I have learned from Him.]  " (John 15:15).
AMP.  I desire to expand more on being a friend to God because I believe that it will empower you to access heaven's very best!
God's Friends Can Access Heaven's Very Best!
Also, in the previous blog, I wrote about how we, as friends of God, are being elevated to an favored position of accessing the very heart of God and therefore being empowered to access the unseen.  I believe that as we understand our true identity- as "friends" of God-  that we can begin to experience God's very best for our lives, families, ministries, jobs..and more!  It all boils down to having faith to believe what God says about us.  Let me explain more. 
It's important to first understand that the disciples were promoted from being "servants."  Now, this does not mean that as New Covenant believers we abandon the spiritual principle of servant hood.  No way!  After all, Jesus came to serve.  He came as the King of Kings, yes, but had the heart of a servant.  What Jesus was addressing was this- they were no longer "slaves"but now "servants."  Slaves to what?  I believe it was being a slave to the past, a slave to the Law, religious performance and religious mindsets. Give me another moment to explain more- you'll be so glad you did!
Slaves to the Law
Gal 4:4-5 states that God sent Jesus to ..." buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law , so that he could adopt us as his very own children. "(NLT).    Yes, until Jesus came His people were slaves and servants to the Law.  In other words they were in bondage and in captivity. In fact, the Law kills rather than gives life. (See 2 Cor 3:6).  What does all of this actually mean?  It simply means that Jesus came to set us free from all of the religious performance which the Law demanded. 
I know first hand how performance robs believers of life and joy. God desires to promote each of us and deliver us from a slavery mentality.  Strict adherence to the Law, or a set of religious rules and doctrines robs each of us of intimate relationship with the Father.  Slaves and servants ( I use the interchangeable but they represent the same in this blog post) do not have immediate access to his master.  In fact a servant's relationship to his master is task-oriented rather than relationship focused.

No Need to Fear Punishment
 If the servant fulfilled the Master's expectations then he was rewarded. If not, he was punished.  Can you identity with a servant mentality when it is compared to your relationship with the Father.
Dear ones, if we think as servants and slaves based on fulfilling tasks, then the relationship is based upon strict adherence to rules and expectations.  However, as New Covenant believers, we are freed from the Law (expectations, rules and performance) and we need not shrink in fear of punishment because we are now His friend!
Servants are also "reward focused."  Basically, this type of mentality puts the focus on our ability to perform  rather than the finished work of Christ at Calvary.  The reward to those whom He calls His "friends" (which is you and I!) is the ability to have open access and intimacy with the Father-anytime!  Think about this,,,no matter if we mess up...we still have an intimate relationship with the Lord.  Wow!  Isn't that comforting? Yet, concerning the Law, we must consider the fact the Scripture states that the Law is holy, righteous and good. ( see Romans 7:12).  We must always maintain a respect for why God made the Law.   (More on that in another blog post). 
Sons and Daughters of God
I want to conclude this blog with a thought.  Can you identify if there is or is not a difference between being called a "son" of God and a "friend" of God? We are called both, but are they different in meaning and relationship?
I have to admit-  being called both by the Father  really  tenders my heart.  There are some thoughts that I have concerning the subject, though. We will discuss them  in the next blog or two.  However, for now be assured that both "friends" and "Sons" of God are blessed and highly favored.  I would like to hear some of your comments on the subject if you would like to express your thoughts.
God bless you! I look forward to our next time together!
P.S.  Please click on my link "books"  and view a video that discusses each of my books.  If you don't know the subject matter of my books then this is a great place to start.
Also, there are many other posts that will bless you.  Take some time and read through some of them to position yourself to shift into great faith for continual breakthroughs.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandi; You are priceless,and I look forward to reading your blogs and books.I am wondering if you would pray for me.I desire to start a Bible study at a nursing home where my sister-in-law resides.I have run a Bible study in my home for over five years, also a Celebrate recovery program @ my church for over three years.I live with a non Christian alcoholic for over 34 year. It has caused me to cling to the Lord tightly.I am in the process of writing a book the Holy Spirit has been writing through me.Thank you for all you do for Gods wonderful children.
    .Blessings ,Love Joanne P.S. Friend-relationship,son,daughter=inheritance/eternal.
