I'm desiring to continually experience the supernatural, aren't you? I know that you are! Most of us are crying out for heaven to touch earth and to witness the raw power of God. The other day while in prayer, I felt as if the Lord impressed upon me to know what was opposing us, as believers, and how the enemy is targeting our faith. When our faith is targeted we will struggle with unbelief. If we agree with what the enemy says, then we give him more power. Having faith in what God says, especially concerning the supernatural, will dethrone the enemy and his elevated plans to discourage and ultimately defeat us. Allow me to share briefly six enemies that oppose the supernatural. Remember, as you read, you are understanding the tactics of the enemy which oppose the culture of faith which is necessary for the supernatural!
- Enemy #1 is Ignorance. Isaiah 5:13 says that "...my people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge." Satan hates any revealed knowledge of God. Why? Because when we see Him as He is, through revelation of the Word, we are transformed more into His image. When we receive revelation of who we are in Christ, we can stand in our authority and take our rightful dominion as Sons and Daughters. It's important to study the Word-not out of performance- but to gain more knowledge of Him. We are not performing when we study the Word, we are studying so that we can replace old mindsets with fresh revelation. We are also studying so that we can tear down the lies of the enemy concerning the image we have of ourselves and of God, replacing them with the truth. We therefore put our trust in His Word to transform us. When we understand that it is means for us to experience the supernatural power of God we can walk in it!
- Enemy #2 is Wrong Teaching. Carnal theology is when we study and teach from a carnal mentality rather than through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Theology is the study of God through the mind and reason. However, without the Holy Spirit doing the teaching (He is the teacher by the way!) we will teach with improper motivation. Teaching which is carnally influenced is reflected most often through condemnation and legalism. As New Covenant believers, we are no longer under the Law. Though the Law is holy and pure and was necessary, Jesus fulfilled the Law and died so that we could be free to follow the directives of the Holy Spirit and not a set of rules. Wrong teaching leads to hardened hearts.
- Enemy #3 is Greek Thinking. Athens was the only city in the Bible mentioned that was totally given over to idols. Greek thinking is strongly linked with idolatry. Greece was terribly influenced with demonic theology due to the worship of idols. Greek thinking is basically ungodly intellectualism; when being intellectual blocks the full revelation of God. We must be careful that we do not allow ourselves to be puffed up with head knowledge and we completely omit the heart knowledge acquired by knowing the voice and teachings of the Holy Spirit.
- Enemy # 4 is Humanism. Did you notice the word "human" in humanism. That alone says it all. Humanism, like Greek thinking, celebrates human reasoning above God. Humanism rejects the supernatural power of God and deludes the revelation of Christ. it is strongly linked the the Antichrist Spirit.
- Enemy # 5 is the Jezebel Spirit. This spirit refers to the most evil queen ever, in my opinion, Queen Jezebel, wife of King Ahab. He was controlling and manipulating and seized authority illegitimately. The spirit attempts to murder in attempts to steal our inheritance. This spirit promotes idolatry and counterfeit gods-especially Baal, which we talk about next. (I encourage you to look at my previous blog posts concerning the Jezebel spirit as well as blogs concerning Athaliah, the daughter of Jezebel, who comes against the generations. See "Three Things You Should Know About the Jezebel Spirit," " The Jezebel Spirit Opposes the Anointing," and also "How to Pray for Your Family and Get Results.").
- Enemy #6 is the Spirit of Baal. Baal was a false God which Jezebel promoted in Israel. When she married Ahab, she brought her family idols with her. Baal promotes religious performance which is completely opposite of being led by the Holy Spirit.The spirit of Baal desires that everything happen "now!" but always being done through self-motivation and selfish gain. One can easily see why this evil false god, operating through demonic activity through false worship, negates complete surrender to God and allowing Him to work in His perfect timing in our lives. This spirit is still active today when Jezebel is allowed to influence our lives.
Precious believers, we have an enemy who opposes us experiencing all that is meant for us to experience and demonstrate on earth. Being aware of this will empower us as we give the enemy no place! Bottom line, there is really only one enemy- Satan. However, he takes on different names and functions spiritually. I only named six spiritual enemies, but dear ones know that there are many that manifest their presence daily. But greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world. (see 1 John 4:4). I don't want to focus on the devil, but it is important that we are aware of his tactics. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. He has never been a match for God! However, he seeks to torment the Sons of God- us! Take a firm stand with me today to be led completely by the Holy Spirit. He is faithful to deliver us from the evil plans of our enemy!
I have several other blogs on the Jezebel spirit. You may also desire to visit my bookstore and seek out other books that are written about Jezebel, the Antichrist spirit and Silencing the Accuser.
Excellent article! I totally agree with you. One thing we remnant of believers in the Bridal Kingdom know is that by loving God with all our hearts, minds, bodies, souls, and spirits in total devotion to God, is that this allows us the freedom to live in trust as we connect our heads with our hearts AND our guts. The Seven Churches never integrated discernment into their image. They kept things compartmentalized. Then they projected their image. Not a pretty picture. But we were forewarned in the Book of Revelation that this would happen. It is not a surprise, but it has still been a shock and it must be exposed. (Rev 16:15) In the process of exposure we need compassion and forgiveness to abound (and abide.) In the process of discernment we need peace, quiet, and sanctuary. Not all of us have sanctuary. Sanctuary must come before exposure. ~Kathryn Hauser
ReplyDeleteAmen. Thank you for your comment. Developing a culture of faith and love is what I am pursuing. God bless you.