Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What Do You Need? Break Forth Financially, Emotionally and Spiritually Today!

Dear Believer,
Do you feel empty at times?  maybe the correct description to my question of being "empty" would be feeling lonely, abandoned, and rejected. And, let me ask one more thing so that you can get a breakthrough you have low self-worth?i   If you relate to these questions please keep reading- I am believing that revelation from God will release a divine manifestation of healing and restoration for you!


 I have realized that all of these feelings are rooted to a sense of lack.   And, please allow me to help you with this revelation-a belief system that is built upon a sense of lack opens the door to a spirit of poverty, continuous rejection and abandonment.

In Colossians 2:10, we are reminded by Paul that we "...are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power."  When someone feels inadequate or incomplete, they are not witnessing the full reality of this promise.  In fact, we can expect to be delivered from these feelings of insecurity and inadequacy because it is part of our heritage in Christ.  So, why do we suffer?

The Finished Work of Christ

One reason that we have a continual sense of lack is due to the fact that many believers have no concept of what it means to experience the finished work of Jesus.  In fact, due to His death, burial and resurrection, we can be assured that our lives are free from the penalty of sin.  Multitudes of believers understand that Christ died to give us salvation.  Yet many are completely unaware that salvation is the Greek word sozo which means not only to be saved, but also includes our being healed, prosperous and delivered.  I like to say that Christ died to give us all that heaven has to offer!  Precious believer, do not allow the guilt of your past to keep you bound to your past. Don't run away from God-run to God!  With open arms He will receive you.  His grace is sufficient and He will empower you for your future.  I believe that TODAY is the day for you to trust God, have faith to shift out of your past and then to completely REST in God. (see Hebrews 4:1,7).

Dear ones, is it possible that we are like the Corinthian church and have slipped away from believing that we are "complete" in Christ?  it is my belief that the Accuser of the Brethren has attempted to seduce us into doubting our true identity-just as Satan seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden.  If you recall, he appealed to her senses of lack!  Eve believed she was unfulfilled and would suffer lack is she had something withheld from her.  The conversation between Eve and the serpent gives us a biblical understanding of how easily we conclude that God withholds good things from us (which is NOT true!).

Breakthrough Solution

We must remain on guard and careful because Satan uses subtle words to nullify our identity and self-worth.  The enemy will always target our identity and cause us to question who we are/  Satan simply asked Eve a few very strategic questions and these seductive tools are still used by him to cause us to feel lack.  Again, the truth is this- we are complete in Jesus.  We cannot question this true fact.  if we have a false belief system and believe "I am not complete'" "I am flawed." or "I am unworthy' then we are believing a lie.  Eve believed a lie.  She believed that God was withholding something from her and that there was something God had not provided for her.  Therefore, Eve separated herself from God.  The lies suggested by the enemy caused Eve to abandon the promises of God and therefore she was robbed of power.  The very moment Eve believed that she suffered lack she began to be motivated by fear rather than faith.

Shift into Faith!

So, precious sons and daughters of the King, let's not allow the enemy to lie to us any longer.  Believe that you are the righteousness of Christ.  Shift your faith to believing that you are what He says about you.  Believe that you are immovable in your faith.  Remain immovable, knowing who you are in Christ and that He desires to heal you, bless you and restore all that the enemy has stolen!  Stand on the Rock today and declare "I am free from lack!"

I am locking my faith with your faith right now and am believing that you are shifting from all lack and a poverty mentality into great blessing! I believe that you are shifting from abandonment and rejection into God's divine acceptance. Amen!

In addition,  Please read my other posts concerning a spirit of Jezebel which promotes a spirit of poverty as well.   If you recall it was Queen Jezebel, wife of King Ahab,  who murdered Naboth in order to steal his inheritance! 
 I would also like to recommend two of my books that I have authored concerning these challenges.   Crushing the Spirits of Greed and Poverty; Discerning and Defeating the Ancient Powers of Mammon and Babylon (this book empowers you for financial breakthrough and helps to renew your mind concerning lack) and  Silencing the Accuser; Eight Lies Satan Uses Against Christians  (this book empowers you to discern the lies of the enemy and how to oppose them).  Both books will be beneficial to you as they each give strategies to overcome lack and defeat the lies of the Accuser.

Special Book Sale:

If you order both books, I am offering 50% off of  Crushing the Spirits of Greed and Poverty!  Therefore  Silencing the Accuser will sell for $13.99 and  Crushing the Spirits of Greed and Poverty  will be offered for $7.00.  This offer is only available through my blog and our church bookstore... Go to link above and click on "Books" or go to and click on bookstore.



  1. Replies
    1. I am so glad this ministered to you . Blessings

  2. Thank you so much for the above! I just stumbled into your ministry and I am so pleased!
    Truth to set us free indeed!

    Bless you.

  3. Welcome! So blessed you are visiting my blog!
