Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Three Words from God To Change Your Life

It's Time for Your Heart and Your Life to Be Healed!

Dear Believers:
This is your season for your heart,,,and your life to be healed!  What has seemed impossible is possible.  Once again, I desire to encourage each of you today.  I want you to allow these three words of edification to soak deeply into your hearts.  Believers, it is time for us to access the unseen!
  1. God desires to do for you what your eyes have never seen.
  2. God also desires for you to hear Him speak to you and for you to be empowered to hear like never before! 
  3. God desires to open your mind so that you can receive revelation that has been hidden- this means that what has been hidden from you  (divine strategies for breakthrough, opportunities you need to occur,  wisdom when making decisions, etc.) will be made known as he allows your mind to hear and conceive His thoughts.

Captivity and Being Yoked With the Past

Many times a broken heart can hold us captive and, therefore, unable to cycle out of emotional pain, trauma, painful memories, etc.  Therefore, it is difficult for some to experience the fullness of joy. (Joy, by the way is one of the manifestations of experiencing the Kingdom of God!) A broken heart, loneliness, and/or a painful memory can yoke us with the past.  But let me assure you of this-  God desires that 'you may know'  Him and   what is yours! (See Isa 43:10).    The absence of any one of these benefits could mean that you are still in captivity and yoked with your past.

 Let's take a quick look at these areas  that keep us from knowing God and believing Him and His desire to deliver us from an ungodly memory, pain of the past, and/or a broken heart.  According Isaiah, God has given the following spiritual inheritance to us as believers:
  • The divine ability to know Him  and believe Him.
  • The ongoing (continual) ability and desire to glorify God and praise Him.
  •  To experience His presence out of relationship and not religious works.
  •  To experience healing, restoration and divine peace.
  •  To have a mended heart which includes mending for the spirit, soul and body.


Were there any of the five areas listed that you know you are not experiencing?  If you can identify any lacking area it is possible that you are yoked with your past. Dear one, freedom and fullness awaits you today.  It's important for us to hunger for His presence.  However, many Christians believe that they are unworthy of God's blessings and, therefore, back away from approaching Him.  Allow me to encourage you once again!  God loves you.  He sees your broken heart and your disappointments.  He says to you today  You are worthy!  I sent my Son who became the sacrificial Lamb for your sin.  His blood was shed for your broken heart.  Today, allow your heart to be mended  Come to Me, allow me to embrace you and heal your heart.  I will give you the grace needed to walk through every trial, test and challenge. So, come up higher today.  My arms are open wide and receive you."  Now, saint, run to Him!  There is no shame, no guilt, no are forgiven of your past failures and healed of your past pain!  Just receive His love, right now! Yes, it's that easy.


One More Thing

I want to encourage you to read some of my previous blogs as I believe the revelation each blog contains will also empower you to shift into great breakthroughs.  If you have been challenged with a Jezebel spirit I have several posts that will interest you.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What Do You Need? Break Forth Financially, Emotionally and Spiritually Today!

Dear Believer,
Do you feel empty at times?  maybe the correct description to my question of being "empty" would be feeling lonely, abandoned, and rejected. And, let me ask one more thing so that you can get a breakthrough you have low self-worth?i   If you relate to these questions please keep reading- I am believing that revelation from God will release a divine manifestation of healing and restoration for you!


 I have realized that all of these feelings are rooted to a sense of lack.   And, please allow me to help you with this revelation-a belief system that is built upon a sense of lack opens the door to a spirit of poverty, continuous rejection and abandonment.

In Colossians 2:10, we are reminded by Paul that we "...are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power."  When someone feels inadequate or incomplete, they are not witnessing the full reality of this promise.  In fact, we can expect to be delivered from these feelings of insecurity and inadequacy because it is part of our heritage in Christ.  So, why do we suffer?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Jezebel Spirit Opposes the Anointing and the Demonstration of Power. Break the Stronghold of Tradition Today!

Dear Believer

In my last post I discussed the necessity to dethrone a Jezebel spirit. I did not mention in the post (though I do address it in my books) the fact that a Jezebel spirit promotes religious performance and religious tradition. If you recall, in the Old Testament when Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal, the false prophets went into a religious rage of performance-praying loudly and cutting themselves to get their false god's attention. Today, we may not go to these extremes, but yet due to tradition are we are still depending on works,deeds, and religious rituals to "get God's attention." (Let me encourage you to read my last blog if you haven't done so as you will have a greater understanding of how to dethrone a Jezebel spirit).

So let's discuss "tradition." Let me again ask:

When we consider ourselves as new covenant believers-is it possible that man's traditions have caused the Word of God to lack power? If we examine the New Testament, I have to conclude this answer-Absolutely! If you recall, Jesus stated that the Pharisees accepted tradition and, therefore, had rejected God's Word. The New International Version says it this way:

"Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down..." (Mark 7:13.

I believe it is safe to conclude from this passage that the Pharisees’ tradition "dis-empowered" and actually caused it to be "ineffective." One might even say that tradition neutralizes God's word in his/her lives. This does not, by any means, mean that the Word of God is not true! What I am saying is this - tradition robs the Word of God from being effective in our lives. Even though the Pharisees believed that they were serving God to the letter of absolute perfection; their traditions nullified God's Word.

When we think about tradition, many of us visualize those in denominations who are "stuck" in old patterns and belief systems. Maybe we categorize those who are steeped in religious tradition as congregations that are ultra- conservative. However, if we stop and think a moment, there are present - day contemporary churches and ministries that have very strong traditions also. Yes, even charismatics!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Repost: Three Things About a Jezebel Spirit That You Should Know

BeDo you get blindsided by a Jezebel spirit?  Or perhaps you don’t have a name for what has “hit” you? If so, welcome to the majority of Christians who have either been targeted with its demonic opposition or strongly influenced by it.  What I mean by that is this:  The Jezebel spirit opposes Christians and especially those who are prophetic in their calling.  Keep in mind that Queen Jezebel murdered God's prophets and tried to also take Elijah out! (See 1 Kings 16- 20) Elijah never died, as you know, as he was taken to heaven by God in a glorious way! Yet, the spirit of Jezebel has never stopped attempting to destroy those with a voice to speak God's directives.

            Also, the Jezebel spirit continues to "influence" us.  Allow me to explain.  Revelation 2:18-20 reminds us that Jesus strongly addressed the church at Thyatira for tolerating Jezebel.  When we tolerate a demonic spirit, we are at that time "backing off" from it, "surrendering to it" or "leaving it alone."  If we do this, we are therefore allowing the spirit to influence our lives.  Allow me to list three main things about Jezebel you need to know so that you can overcome these evil attacks and this spirit’s demonic influence. (There are many more that are not listed.  For much more detail you may desire to order my books Breaking the Threefold Demonic Cord:  How to Discern and Defeat the Lies of Jezebel, Athaliah and Delilah and The Jezebel Yoke:  Breaking Free from Bondage and Deception.   Click below to order books).  OR GO TO TOP OF PAGE AND CLICK ON BOOKS FOR MORE EXPLANATION

            1.  Jezebel is seductive in nature. 

            Jezebel is commonly known as the "painted lady" among Christians because Scripture tells us that when Jehu sought her out to destroy her, as part of his mandate from God, she “painted” her face.  This was an attempt to seduce him so that he would back off.  However, Jehu stayed focused and had her utterly destroyed. (See 2 Kings 9: 30-37)  To defeat this spirit today, we must overcome the evil seduction of the enemy, staying focused on our godly assignments.  This spirit attempts to seduce us from remaining on the wall as we build the Kingdom of God.   It is the same type of spirit that attempted to get Nehemiah to come down from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. 

 And, since the spirit promotes control and  manipulation, there are many of us who are heavily influenced to attempt to control our own futures due to fear, fear of lack, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment and more! Dear believer, Jezebel desires to seduce us into spiritual apathy and to cause us to backslide in our relationship with God- as well as shut us up!