Saturday, October 26, 2013

Three Keys to Breakthrough When Going Gets Rough- How to Overcome Opposition

            Don't become discouraged if it seems as if every time you demonstrate the power of God (praying for someone's healing, ministering the Word, praying for a family's breakthrough, etc), the enemy appears to immediately get  in your face.  I have come to the conclusion that when we are demonstrating His will on earth, the enemy instantaneously attempts to intimidate us!  Though it is true -the more we demonstrate the Kingdom of God on earth the more opposition we will probably  face- we need not be fearful, draw back in fear or run away from our assignments in God.

            A good example for us is Apostle Paul.    He was clear about times of opposition when he wrote to the Corinthian church concerning his challenges as he ministered the Gospel.   In 2 Corinthians 11:24-28, Paul tells us that he had suffered beatings, stonings and a shipwreck.  He goes on to say he was in danger with flood stage waters, robbers, his own countrymen, Gentiles and perils in both the city and country.  He was challenged with false teachers, weariness, sleeplessness, hunger and thirst...and other things! Imagine!

            However, Paul remained focused on his love of Christ and his mission on earth.  There is much to learn from Paul's ministry.  In fact, let's examine three ways to overcome discouragement, despair and hopelessness by examining Paul's tenacity:

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Three Ways to Experience God's Transforming Power



God is clear about this- He loves us unconditionally.  The problem is –we don’t know love without many “conditions” attached.  Years ago, before I understood how much He truly loved Sandie Freed (and believe me, it’s been a journey!) I believed I had to continually perform properly and be unquestionably perfect in order for God to love me, bless me or even use me! Because of what I have learned about God, and how I have witnessed His goodness, I am certain that when you also understand what the term unconditional means that you will be empowered today.  And, even more, experience God’s transforming power.  So allow me to quickly discuss three ways to experience this awesome transforming power. All three of these involve a change in the way we think.  So get ready for right believing that will shift you into right living!


Way #1


First, let’s look quickly at the definitions concerning transformation. The entire concept in transformation is for us to change from the inside-out. This is very much like the change that a caterpillar experiences as it transforms into a beautiful butterfly. The process is called metamorphosis, and interestingly, the Greek word for “transformation” is where we derive our English word metamorphosis.   

Now, it’s important to understand that the caterpillar does not inch along day-to-day worrying about its change.  In fact, it has everything needed to spin itself into a cocoon and transform into a butterfly.  Think about it for a moment-there is nothing outside itself that brings the change- it is an inside-out thing!  Amazingly, the caterpillar has within itself a DNA that provides everything needed to achieve destiny.

This is important for us, as believers, to grasp.  Why?  Because it takes the pressure off of us, our need to perform, or believe that we have to be perfect to transform into something beautiful.  As believers it means that we everything needed to achieve our God-given destiny.  And, precious ones, we have a cocoon of grace available for our change.  Within each of us is God’s DNA, as we are divinely created in His image, which wraps us in His cocoon of grace to bring about the needed changes in our lives. Through this process our hearts are changed and we become daily transformed and changed into His likeness.  Again-it is not up to us.... it is His responsibility to change us!  All we are required to do is remain obedient to His directives.  This, by the way, involves us needing and receiving His grace again. I could write an entire book on that subject alone.  For now, just know that we become who we are destined to be by His mercy and grace.  Hallelujah!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How to Pray for Yourself and Your Family and Get Results

I’m certain that you can agree with me that we live in what Timothy referred as perilous times, which are times of great stress and trouble. (See 2 Timothy 3:1). There is certainly no absence of our need to continue to pray Psalms 91 over our families, as well as ourselves. I’m confident that if I were to personally sit and talk with you that you would testify that the enemy, Satan, has targeted either you personally or someone in your family. The news alone continually alerts us that we are living in what the Bible refers to as the end times-perilous times- where terror threatens us daily.

I’m the mother of a beautiful daughter who is now married and has a family of her own. Yet, I continue to daily pray for God’s protection to cover her family and her. Let me assure you that there is nothing that upsets me more than to witness her or her family being targeted by the enemy. I have prayed, decreed God’s