Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Know the Wiles of Your Enemy! Part Two

Satan is a deceiver.  We all know that.  But how does he do it?  In the last blog I discussed the "wiles" of the enemy.  If you haven't read Part 1, I highly suggest you stop reading this, and go back and read it first because I lay a firm foundation concerning Satan's methods of attack.  For the sake of this current blog, we will discuss deception and how the enemy uses deception to defeat Christians.
Revelation 12:9 says that Satan deceived the entire world!  Yikes!  If he does that, we need to be forewarned that he is on the prowl NOW to deceive you and me.  If you think about the word "deception" we easily picture someone ( like ourselves!) believing that a lie is to be the truth.  Someone who is deceived is convinced that right is wrong and therefore wrong is right.  If Satan can convince us that God is a liar, that He will not watch over His Word and perform it, and that God cannot be trusted...then we have been deceived! 
Demons are constantly at work attempting to cause us to believe that God is a liar and cannot be trusted.  If we believe his lies, then we can conclude why unbelief structures are erected in our lives, over our businesses, families, churches, etc.  Satan perverts God's Word.  We must be on guard!  We must be determined to believe ONLY what God says and not be seduced by Satan's "wiles" to cause us to believe otherwise. 
Test the Spirits
We must learn to test the spirits that speak out of a man or a devil.  Believe me, there are many ministers that do not believe that God heals today.  But He does!  He states in His Word that He is our Healer!   How do we do test the spirits?  Well, we test by using the Word of God.   1 John 4:1 states, " Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world."
Many preachers and teachers are falsely prophesying.  Precious believer, if someone is teaching that God does not heal, bless, and restore His children,  then that teacher is falsely prophesying.  I believe that many of God's teachers have been deceived by the enemy.  We need to pray that their eyes be opened to God's truths.  We need not condemn  or judge them, but rather pray for them.  For us, we need to simply continue to test the spirits and align ourselves completely with God's Word. 
Our enemy will attempt to deceive us and tell us that God is to blame for our sickness.    But God does not put sickness and disease on His children.  He does not put sickness on us to teach us a lesson.  Our God is a good God.  He is our Healer.  He is our Deliverer!  He is our Provider! 
Dear believer, let's clothe ourselves today with God's full armor and live in the victory that has been provided for us at the Cross!  Believe and agree with the Word of God.  Be healed today.  Be delivered today!  Be restored today!  Put the enemy under your feet and take every inch of your Promised Land!
I believe!!!!  I know you do also!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Know the Wiles of Your Enemy! Part One

Covert operations.  The enemy specializes in this type of warfare.    Yes, Satan strategizes to maintain hidden and subtle forms of warfare.  In the governments of the world (in the natural) there are visible armies in warfare.  Specialized units strategize  undercover strategies executed by every single branch of the military.  It is a known factor that even special operations and certain agencies such as the CIA and the FBI operate often in covert strategies.  As I said, Satan goes to great length to remain hidden.  And if you think about it, much of what he does is hidden from our view.  We need strong spiritual discernment in times like these,don't we?  If you haven't been praying for spiritual discernment, please begin to do so.  These  are perilous times that we live in.  However, God is bigger than the enemy and we need never to forget that fact.  We don't want to give the enemy too much credit, but, to walk in victory, we must understand his strategies.  A wise general knows the strengths and weaknesses of his enemy.  For us, it is wise to know Satan's wicked "wiles" and methods.

The Wiles of Satan
2 Corinthians 2:11 exhorts us to not be ignorant of the "wiles of Satan." And Ephesians 6:11 reminds us to "...put on the whole armour of God that ye would be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (KJV).    The word "wiles" comes from a Greek word "methodeia."  Our English word "method" also originates with the word "wiles."  Interestingly, it is derived from two specific Greek words: "meta"and "hodos."  The word "meta" means "in the midst," and the word "hodos" means "to travel over ( as in a journey) and to lie in wait." Therefore it is clear that a method of the enemy is to get us off the paths of God and lie in wait to attack us if we do!  Believers, the enemy desires to derail us, sidetrack us, steal our vision, change our route and pull us off purpose!  How does he do this?  Keep reading- there's more!

Satan uses temptation and spiritual seductions to lure us away from God's very best for our lives.  Have you ever done a thorough study on the word "temptation?"  Dear one, listen up! "Temptation" is the word "peirasmos," which means to "lure" and "solicit."  If you stop and think about it for a minute, think of how the enemy solicits us to surrender to temptation.  Keep in mind that Satan can only "tempt" us, but it is up to us to agree and submit to the temptation. 

Jesus Christ was tempted, but He did not sin.  Temptation is not sin- so be careful that you don't confuse the two.  Satan can tempt us but we can resist temptation by not allowing wrong desires to take root in our hearts and minds.  The Word teaches us that temptation is common to all of us (1 Cor 10:13)  In fact, it's important for us to pray as the Bible teaches..." Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." (Matthew 6:13).

Satan's covert operation involves deceit, solicitation to sin, and perversion, to draw us away from God. Satan uses perversion to destroy that which is Good.  The word "perversion comes from a Hebrew word meaning " to twist" and " to make crooked."  The enemy loves to twist God's Word!  For instance, Scripture says that we are healed, yet the enemy speaks lies to us saying "you've sinned today, God won't heal you!"  Satan works covertly with his lies of deception to get us off track and draw us away from God.

Precious ones, it's time to wise up!  Let's not be deceived by the enemy.  Victory and breakthrough are ours because of what Christ accomplished at the Cross.

I'm praying for each of you.  If my blogs are empowering you, please comment below.

Part Two on "deception" will be my next blog.

God bless!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Speak to Your Mountain!

I don't know of many subjects that are important to me as freedom.  It is my hearts desire to experience it to the fullest, but I want you to experience it also!  Dear believer, freedom is a journey.  It seems to me that as we journey through life, following Christ, that we continue to encounter mountains (obstacles) that must be overcome. You will notice that most of my books and articles are written to empower you to recognize your godly identity and shift into victory!


 Mountains are mentioned over 178 times in the Word and the word mountain is mentioned 136 times.  They are places were kings and tribes hid from the enemy, they offered the high places in which sacrifices were made, tribes made their homes in the mountains because they offered a place of safe refuge, and mountains were considered as obstacles that hindered forward progress in the Spirit. When Jesus was being tempted by the devil, he was taken  to a very high mountain and offered Him the "kingdoms of this world."  The first mention in the New Testament of the word "mountain" is found in Matthew 4:8 where Satan tempted Jesus and offered Him the "kingdoms of this world" if He would bow down and worship him!  Isn't that amazing?  Jesus brought the message of the Kingdom to our world.  And Satan took Him to a high place, a mountain, (which is a place of sacrifice) and wanted Him to fall down (bow down) and worship him- which would have been idolatry!

Jesus referred to mountains as any type of obstacle that hindered healing and miracles.He even instructed His disciples to "speak to the mountain" and it would be removed.  In Matthew 17:20, the mountain was a demon which possessed a young boy, but it was also a structure of unbelief.  In Matthew 21"21, the mountain represented speaking to anything that appears as a curse in our lives, but He was also addressing an unbelief structure.

Unbelief Structures
Unfortunately, we have been taught that we often lack the faith needed to see the miraculous.  I believed for years that it was up to me...having to work up great faith...to witness my mountains being removed. However, now I know I have the "faith of God" that dwells in me!  This is a blog, not a book or a complete teaching- so I have to keep this short.  But when we do a complete Word study on the passage where Jesus spoke to the fig tree- He said basically Have the God kind of faith...or Have the Faith OF God ( not just have faith IN God.   There is a huge difference in this thinking! (For more information on "Unbelief Structures" contact lifegatechurch.org and request newest CD' s on the teachings.)

Dear ones, I want to hear testimonies of your mountains moving!  This means that you need to understand that you already have Jesus living in you which means that the same faith that got you born again is the same faith that will move that mountain!

I shake my head and marvel at how God is moving in people's lives when they understand that the same power that resurrected  Christ from the dead is alive in them!  We don't have to "conjure up" faith- it's alive in us now!

So You Still Don't Believe?

God told Zerubbabel  to speak "grace, grace to the mountain." ( See Zechariah 4:7). Zerubbabel had what seemed to the natural eye an impossible task.  Rebuilding the temple from a pile of rubbish was overwhelming to him- it would be to me!  But God reminded him about grace.  God said speak grace and then more grace.  In other words, God repeated the significance of grace.  Believers, we were saved by grace through faith- yet these two words (grace and faith) are strongly connected.  Remember when you speak to your mountain that you are also receiving the grace of God which empowers you with His supernatural power! When you speak to your mountain it is with the power of God backing you up!

So, believer, rise up and speak to that mountain!  Let the same faith that Jesus had arise in you now! let me encourage you to read through my blog posts.  I have written about many different hindrances that are mountains that attempt to oppose your breakthrough!  Know that I am praying you, dear reader!

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Lion of Judah is the Door to Freedom

The Lion of Judah is Breaking Us Out of Captivity!  He is the Door to Freedom!

I want the idea of "breaking free" to grab your heart.  It has to do that, you know, in order for there to be a lasting change and transformation.  To just "think" about breaking free from something (addiction, ungodly belief system,  frustration, anger, ungodly lifestyles...actually any hindrance!) gets us nowhere!  But, when we have written that desire on our hearts; then, something begins to take place to bring us out of captivity! 

Writing on Our Hearts

How do we do that...write our desires on our hearts?  Dear one, it's quite simple.  It is all about meditating on who we are in Him and our identity in Christ MORE than how bad we are or how unworthy we are to receive His love and forgiveness.  It's about meditating on His divine love, His goodness and that He is Who He says that He is!  When we meditate on truth, we are writing that truth on our hearts.  And, remember, out of the abundance of the HEART, we will then speak forth the truth! (see Matthew 12:34).  You see, many of us are attempting to shout down our Jericho walls, but the victory has not been written on our hearts.  We're just going through the motions.  If it were in our hearts, we would see the victory!

Yet, there's more!  You see, we've settled for so much less that God has for us.  We've been content to quote the Word...but do we  believe  it!  We won't shift into believing until the desire of the fulfillment of the Word is on our hearts.  Again, it's about spending intimate time with Him, knowing His heart about the matter and then meditating on it.  We must meditate on His Word until it becomes a part of us- in our hearts to the degree that we will not waver.

Sin and Falling Short

Mediocre discipleship will never be acceptable to bring forth change- actually, it's really not acceptable to God either.  Lukewarmness gets us nowhere- we must become committed to seeing change.  He expects more from us- after all, we're created in His divine image!  So, why do we continue to fall short? Let's just stop here...and look at what "sin" really is.  So many of us believe that God has a really BIG stick, just waiting to smack us for sinning.  But,  that is not so!  God loves us and wants His very best for each of us.  The word "sin" simply means that we fall short. I can hear you asking... Fall short of what?  Well, we fall short of our potential and God's best for our lives. 
Captivity is a place of bondage.  Believing we constantly fall short rather than seeing ourselves through the eyes of a loving Father will set us up for more failure.  Unfortunately,  we believe that He sets us up to fail rather than desiring to empower us to win.    Believer, it's time to break free from all shame and unbelief.  Unbelief can become an ungodly belief system that short-circuits our faith.  I'm referring to both our faith in God and also faith in ourselves!  God believes in us- so much so that He writes about our potential all through the Word!  He says that you are not a failure, but rather a winner!  He says that you are the head and not the tail, right?  He calls you blessed and not stressed and not a mess!  Begin to meditate on what He declares over your life and it will become written on  your heart.  Then, when you speak the Word forth, it will come forth with power!

I don't want to miss the mark either.  But, whenever I know I do, and that means I've messed up again, I run fast into His loving arms and receive grace to start again!  Every race has a beginning and an ending or finish line.  Sometimes we start over...sometimes we finish well and start a new race.  Either way, this life is a journey.  But, it is one that is meant to bring forth fruit.  You're on a journey for freedom and fruitfulness just like me.  Let's begin to examine our hearts and determine to allow the Lord to open the eyes of each of our hearts.  Then, dear ones, we are assured that transformation has begun once again!

The Lion of Judah
The Lion of Judah is roaring over you and your captivity.  Jesus, as you know, is the Lion of Judah.  He died so that you could experience heaven's very best.  Begin to meditate on all that was accomplished at the Cross.  Then, begin to praise Him for what He did!  Judah means praise.  Precious one, our victory is established through heart-felt praise!  Again, not just going through the motiions during praise, but feeling your love toward Him flow from your heart.  As you have meditated on His love, His desisre for you, your heart will begin to rejoice!  Yes, worship from your heart, dear saint, and you will begin to see mountains move! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Break the Chains of the Midianite Cycle - It's Time to Cycle out of the Wilderness!

Have you ever been in a predicament?  I know I have.    In Judges 6:10 we see the root of a terrible predicament that Israel was in.  Actually, it was a destructive seven-year cycle.  I have written on this before, but there are some things worth mentioning again!  In fact, many of God's prophets are calling for a time of fasting, prayer and crying out to God because we are facing a possible financial crisis (according to several teachers and prophets).  I have always believed that God's children will be provided for, however if anyone is in a destructive  cycle that keeps re-occurring then you need to read this article! And/or if you want breakthrough then keep reading!

When we first  meet Gideon in Judges 6, the Midianites were plundering Israel and this had been going on for seven full years!   Each year at harvest time, the Midianites and some other tribes they were aligned with swept through Israel.  Their crops were stolen, livestock taken and their homes were destroyed.  Times were so difficult that many of the Israelites were living in caves.
     One of God's prophets sent word to disclose why this was happening again (over and over) to Israel.  The word from God was "Also, I said to you, 'I am the LORD your God; do not fear the gods of   the  Amorites, in whose land you dwell.' But you have not obeyed My voice." (Judges 6:10). 
     Israel's Patterns
     Unfortunately, Israel would obey God for a while and experience happiness and prosperity.  Then they would become disobedient, which cause them later to experience desperation.  The curse of the Midianites was one of these. 
     Gideon was hiding during harvest time, threshing wheat in a winepress, when an angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, "The LORD is with the mighty man of valor!"  Now,think about it.  Gideon was not acting mighty at the time- yet God saw Him differently.  God saw BEYOND Gideon's fear, anxiety and doubt and then prophesied Gideon into a shift!  What was the shift?  Well, after the divine visitation, Gideon torn down  the idols in his family's back yard and rebuilt the altars  of God.  Then he called warriors together and went on to lead a victorious battle against the very enemy, the Midianites, which he was previously hiding from!  The seven year curse cycle was broken! Dear ones, it can be broken off of your lives also!
     Break the Cycle
     I want to encourage you to read some of my previous blog posts concerning the Midianite curse and the enemy that steals your breakthrough and harvest. Simply scale down and read the others. You will gain even more insight if you will do so.  But for now, I want to encourage you.  It is time for you to hear the Word of the Lord concerning your future and destiny.  The enemy has attempted to attack your ability to hear the voice of God and believe for breakthrough!  Position yourself to hear again.  Spend time with God and listen to His voice.  This will cause your spirit to shift and then your faith will arise to defeat the destructive cycle of the Midianite curse that devours harvest. 
     Secondly, examine your heart concerning idolatry.  I have written numerous books on spiritual idolatry.  The Jezebel Yoke is one that I recommend as well as Breaking the Threefold Demonic Cord.  Both of those books target issues of idolatry and empower readers to cycle out from its evil grip.  (Click on books for an explanation of the books and/or go to lifegatechurch.org to order). 
     Believer, I know it is your season of breakthrough.  Do not allow the threat of lack intimidate you from pressing into God and believing for your mountain to be removed!


Thursday, August 13, 2015

How the Enemy Uses Fear to Defeat Us

Do you realize that fear can paralyze a believer?  Paralyze?  You might be thinking that I chose a strong word to describe fear.  However, it's true...alarmingly true...and the devil knows it!
Fear is actually a magnet that draws demonic activity to us!  In Job 3:25 we read these words: "For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me."  Now, most of us know the hardships that Job endured, yet still overcame due to his faith in God.  However, what Job realized is something we must take serious note of...what we "fear" can open the door to the enemy to attack us in one way or another!

Spiritual Paralyzation
I have personally experienced the paralyzation of fear.  To have a spiritual form of paralysis means that we are helpless to act, have an inability to act or move, or that we have stopped.  Do any of those words describe you today?  Do you feel stuck?  If so, is it due to fear?  Let me ask you this- do you feel helpless?  Well, it may be due to fear.  Let me explain more.

It is my experience that spirits of timidity and cowardice attack me whenever I am on the threshold of breaking forth into a time of enlargement or increase.  The spirit of fear works with these other spirits to paralyze us from moving forward as God directs. 

There are many different forms of fear.  I can't address them all in this blog post, however, we will look at a few. 

The Fear of the Unknown
Many of us say that we like change...but do we?  I believe we want other people to change...but whenever we are faced with new territory it can be frightening!  For instance, if we have a new job we will also have a new boss, new co-workers, and NEW EXPECTATIONS from others.  Ugh!  Your fear of rejection might be showing right now!  Of your fear of not measuring up could be on the rise with a new employment opportunity. 

Dear one, at every place of enlargement you will enter through a new gate!  Every new gate is a new beginning and an opportunity to grow and experience God's blessings!  So, of course, the enemy will hit you hard with fear!

Python is at the Threshold/Gate

I have written extensively on the spirit of python which is at the threshold of enlargement.  Please take some time and read through some of my previous posts concerning this hindering evil stronghold.  You will read that the python spirit is connected to witchcraft and how this spirit will attempt to wrap itself around you and squeeze the life and breath out of you to keep you from entering into your new place of blessing!  To many Christians, just the fear of being targeted by a spirit as this will keep them from pressing into all that God has for them.  The result will be to remain in a "comfort zone."  Believer, God does not desire us to remain in a "comfort zone,"  He desires we enter into a "confronting zone!"  We are not to fear the devil- we are made in His image and equipped to DEFEAT the devil! 

Here is a proper response the the enemy- every enemy- and not just python:  "For I hear the slander of many; fear is on every side; while they take counsel together against me, they scheme to take away my life.  But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD,  I say, 'You are my God.'  My times are in your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me." (Ps 31:13-15)

Fear of the Future
We just touched on leaving the comfort zone.  And, actually, this is strongly connected to a fear of the future.  We need not fear about tomorrow...being fretful over tomorrow will only deflate our faith and exhaust our energy!  I love what Jeremiah 29:11 says:  "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

That previous passage will be your true NORTH as you navigate through the storms of life- especially when the enemy hits you with fear.  I have written many different books and shared my addictions, fears and issues of life.  There is one constant I have learned and it is this...He is in control of my future...I trust Him...therefore I trust Him to watch over  my future.

Believer, don't allow fear to block you from crossing your threshold!!! It's crossing over time!

I stand with you and believe that you experience God's very best!
Sandie Freed

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Key Revelation Concerning Jezebel and Intimidation

Why does this keep happening to me?  My pastor friend sat sobbing in her office about another encounter with a Jezebel stronghold and I was relating to her entire story!  Why?  Because her story was also my  past story.  I have sat numerous times in my own office regretting a conflict with someone influenced by a Jezebel spirit. How quickly the memory of being controlled, manipulated and yes, intimidated I felt while under it's evil assignments.   The story that led to it all?  Well, it would take more than a quick blog....but what I am posting now will  hopefully empower you.   Allow me to equip you with another key that will unlock more revelation concerning how to understand the tactics of Jezebel's intimidations.
The end result of a pastor, counselor or leader with battle scars from a Jezebel encounter almost always begins with him/her counseling and/or  pastoring someone with good intentions, someone feeling very unfulfilled, and that same someone looking for a ministry or church home to "lock into."  Then there is the pastor, elder or leadership team with a heart's desire to   really  help that particular "someone." 
It's so true...God places it on His servant's hearts to help those in need, and provides a place of refuge for those needing healing and restoration as well as training and equipping to advance the Kingdom.  The main issue is this- the Church is two-fold; a place for healing and also a place for training and equipping.  First, to be an effective warrior, we must be healed from past wounds.  Then there is a time to move past our past and enter into a season of training and equipping.  However, there is often a huge chasm between the two.  The transition between being wounded and shifting into become spiritually mature is always a time of testing.
The Test
I have realized that after 30 years of ministry there is always a test whenever you are pastoring or mentoring someone in times of transition.  The person in transition is experiencing a test...and the mentor (pastor, leader, etc) is also  experiencing a test!  When ministering to someone who is strongly influenced by a Jezebel spirit we must realize that the spirit will almost always rise up to intimidate godly leadership.  The spirit of Jezebel is a controlling and manipulating spirit.  The demonic forces behind Jezebel can be so intimidating that the person anointed to help the demonically influenced saint believes that they are not equipped   or  anointed to help!  However, truth is this- we have been given all power and authority over ALL demonic spirits- especially Jezebel!
I have had to confront many different people influenced by a Jezebel spirit numerous times- and one sure clue as to whether I am dealing with a Jezebel spirit or not is if I feel intimidated!  My test is this- will I trust who I am in God, stand up to this intimidating spirit and operate in my godly assignment or cower down and try to ignore it's  in your face attitude just daring you to confront it!
Then there is the test concerning the person being influenced by the Jezebel spirit-  will he/she repent and submit? Ouch!  Repentance?  Submission?  Two words that push people's buttons- I know.  But remember, Jezebel hates repentance!  And we know in Scripture that she basically controlled her husband, King Ahab, and really didn't submit to any authority at all. To get it's way, the spirit rises up to intimidate legitimate authority with hopes that it will disqualify godly discernment. This spirit is bent on hood-winking those with discernment, gain influence through false flattery and move in for the kill through control and manipulation!
False Doctrines and False Christs
So there you have it.  Another key to a Jezebel influence.  I have written two books concerning the Jezebel spirit and I highly recommend them both. ( Breaking the Threefold Demonic Cord  and The Jezebel Yoke).    This is an end time spirit that seeks to illegally seize control in the local church and promote false prophets and false Christs.  Dear ones, there are many false doctrines arising as I write this blog!
If you have felt intimidated, it's important to bind the spirit of Jezebel and declare the Word of the Lord. Use the Word of the Lord as your sword and destroy her influence and her voice.
Allow me to impart to you now and pray for you:

Father God, I pray for those who have felt the result of a Jezebel spirit and the intimidation connected to it.  I break the power of the demonic control and I loose him/her from this assignment in Jesus name.  I pray for the Jehu empowerment that completely destroys Jezebel and take the Word of the Lord,. the sword of the Spirit and declare VICTORY in Jesus name.  Amen!

I impart the Jehu anointing to defeat Jezebel and impart the courage to confront all opposition from every Jezebel spirit in the mighty name of Jesus.   I impart the ability to take a firm stand against every Jezebel stronghold that attempts to rob you of your spiritual authority.  I impart godly wisdom of how to love the person, the child of God, but resist the evil spirit of Jezebel. ( Now open your heart  and your hands to receive it now).  Amen

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Spirit of Intimidation

There are many different ways that Satan organizes his forces in attempts to oppose us and our victory in Christ.  One of his evil weapons he uses against us is intimidation.  The definition of intimidation implies a way that the enemy causes us to act timid or fearful.  It also implies the different ways the enemy might cause us to be disheartened. 

David and Goliath

I believe Goliath tried this opposition against David.  Sure, Goliath was bigger than David- he was a giant!  But Goliath's size didn't matter to David, this is because David knew his God and he also knew that due to his relationship with God that God would protect him.  After, all, while in the fields protecting his father's sheep, David slew a lion and a bear and surely the Lord would deliver this uncircumcised Philistine to him also!         (Read 1 Samuel 17:36-38).

Goliath hurled accusations against David to intimidate him further.  He mocked him about his looks, his small stature and his age- all inspired false accusations to cause David to lose heart and fear. 
Yet, the more Goliath attempted to intimidate David, the stronger, more courageous and more determined David became!

The Slingshot

David slew Goliath with the weapon that God had given to him at the time.  Think about it- a slingshot and not a rifle.  A slingshot and not a sword.  A slingshot and not an arrow.  Saul gave David his armour, helmet and sword to use to defeat Goliath.  But David had not tested this equipment yet, it was completely unfamiliar to him.  David used what he had been trained to use- his slingshot.  Dear ones, we must never try to walk in someone else's armour.  We cannot be someone other than who God created us to be.  Nor can we attempt to use any weapon of warfare that is foreign to us.  Many believers compare their spiritual gifting with others- we cannot remain effective warriors if we are attempting to imitate someone else.  We are in a season where God is sharpening our individual weapons and gifting.  The enemy will attempt to intimidate you by declaring that your weapon or gifting is not effective.  But use the slingshot you have!  Your prayer is a slingshot to the enemy.  Your prophetic decree is a slingshot that will smite your Goliath!  Your praise is the slingshot needed to cause your enemy to fall before you!

The Battle of the Mind

Satan uses intimidation to defeat us in our minds!  Yes, it is so true, the real battle is in our minds.
False words of the enemy can easily become a fortress of unbelief if we choose to believe what Satan says about rather than what God says.  Actually, and please try to remember this- we cannot afford to believe opposite of what God says about us!  Ponder that a moment.  We really can't afford to believe what Satan declares concerning us, our children, our relationships, our future, our businesses, etc! If we believe Satan's lies it can cost us- big time!

Goliath attempted to destroy David first with his words of intimidation.  Believer, the enemy does the same with us!  Let's not allow Satan's words to become a fortress in our minds but rather take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.(See 2 Cor 10:4-5).

Dear believer, let me encourage you today!  You have a war manual, the Holy Bible, that is packed full of scriptures that reveal the record of victory already determined and decided due to the Blood of Jesus!  Now that, my friends, is a slingshot, indeed!

A book that I would recommend at this time would be  Silencing the Accuser:  Eight Lies Satan Uses Against Believers.  (Click on the button "Books" for more information and then click on lifegatechurch.org to order). I have devoted an entire book to teach you how to tear down every fortress your enemy attempts to build to defeat you!  You can be victorious!  God says that you already are victorious through Christ.  Amen!


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Are You in the Millionaire Zone?

It never seems to fail...I begin to prophesy financial breakthrough and almost immediately I am challenged in something concerning finances. Maybe everytime you have made a similar declaration the same happens to you!  If you can relate, keep reading, then!  You are being positioned to receive divine revelation concerning your finances and breakthroughs!

Millionaire Zones
  Just a few weeks ago I was preaching in our local church, Lifegate Church International, in Hurst, Texas, and I prophesied for the second time that God was releasing "Millionaire Zones."  As I prophesied this, I was seeing in the spirit vaults filled with money being unlocked.  Finances were being unlocked and breakthrough was coming to believers.  I prophesied a Millionaire Zone at one of our meetings almost three years ago and let me tell you...it has happened!  People are on their way to becoming millionaires. Testimonies have been coming in on a continual basis.  I believe it is God's will to bless His children- regardless of what the economy attempts to dictate.  But let me get back to me-  and how I was literally targeted by the enemy concerning finances.

I didn't know it then- but I am certainly aware of it now- that I have had a generational curse of a Midianite stronghold.  If you remember Gideon, in Judges chapter 6, was fearful concerning his harvest.   He was hiding in a winepress threshing his harvest!  Now, anyone with any sense at all knows this is not the place to thresh wheat!  But, the Midianites and other tribes had been coming at every time of harvest and stealing Israel's harvest.  Yes, it was a constant cycle or oppression, depression, doubt and unbelief and lack.  When I realized that I had cycles when the enemy was able to steal, I began to break off that Midianite spirit that attempted to steal my harvest! Whenever I began to break the power of this ungodly pattern, we began to experience financial breakthrough again.

The Spirit of Poverty and Lack
The Midianite curse is only one of  issues and financial curses that  I teach about in my conferences concerning financial breakthrough.  I would like to invite you to come and personally sit through my teaching on  Breaking the Financial Curses of Lack and Poverty  that Lifegate Church is hosting August 7-8, 2015.  You can go online to www.lifegatechurch.org and register.   If you cannot attend, you may want to read my book  Conquering the Spirits of Greed and Poverty which can be ordered by clicking on the Lifegate Church button on this site. 

Dear believer, it's time that we all realized that we are promised an open heaven of God's blessings.  Let's get set free from any doubt and unbelief that hinder us and also break off any generational curses that have attached themselves to our breakthroughs! 

Hope to see you there!  Come and believe that you will receive a Milloionaire Zone impartation. 
As always,
Be abundantly blessed!
Dr Sandie Freed

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ugh! Jezebel Again?

There she was again.  Standing right beside me with her arm around me attempting to give me a squeeze.  I was on alert that day, because I had a dream the night before of a storm coming my way and in that storm was a Jezebel spirit targeting  me.
Once I scooted out of that trap she stood in front of me and began telling me (again) how anointed I was.  I looked her straight in the eyes thinking that false spirit of flattery might have to shut her eyes...or roll completely back into her head due to lying!  But instead, she got more determined to tell me how  wonderful I was and that she was entirely  committed to serving us in the ministry.  (Those words were words from a Jezebel spirit...not mine).  I thought to myself,  Here we go again, Jezzie. You are trying to control me once again.  This time, I'm NOT buying into your flattering words just so you can attempt to manipulate me! 
Hold Your Ground!
 I held my ground that day, but over the next few days I began to feel guilty for "judging" this person.  So, guess what I did....I reached out to her and opened my heart once again.  It only took a short time for this spirit to try to move in quickly to gain an entrance into "speaking into my life."  I was way too familiar with this spirit's tactics....and once a few sentences rolled off her tongue I had the spirit pegged once again.  The words were similar to this:"Oh, Pastor Sandie.  I can't understand why  everybody doesn't come to your church.  You're so wonderful."  Then there was something said like " I just know you are the one who recognized  my anointing and gifting and that I'm called to be a senior leader also."  My heart sank.  I had really desired to mentor this precious saint, yet the seducing spirit of Jezebel was attempting to prevail against her  and me!

Believer, you just read what I have experienced many times as a pastor and senior leader in the Body of Christ.  I am very prophetically gifted, as most of you know, and our church in Hurst, Texas, is trained in the supernatural gifting (especially in the prophetic ministry).  Let me be blunt- the Jezebel spirit is always attracted to the prophetic ministry and ministers.  Think about it- Elijah was an awesome prophet and remember who threatened to kill him?  Yep.  Jezebel!  And her words were so powerful that it caused Elijah to take off running to the desert fearing for his life! 

Jezebel's Words Cause Discouragement

Have you been discouraged lately?  If so, let me ask you a question.  Whose words are you listening to?  Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah and it says in Scripture that Elijah actually "saw that" which Jezzie  wanted to do!  Yes, he saw himself slain by Jezebel!  Dear one, Jezebel flows in a spirit of false prophecy.  Yes!  Jezebel was falsely prophesying Elijah's destruction.  Her words were like witchcraft and actually controlled Elijah's responses, robbed him of faith and even caused vain imaginations. Jezebel's witchcraft words of discouragement caused him to lose courage!

Then, it moves differently. Many times I have observed how this evil  spirit seductively moves in false flattery in order to get close to us.  Remember when Jehu showed up to destroy her she painted her face and eyes, fixed her hair and began to flatter Jehu asking if he had come in peace?  (See 2 Kings 9:30).  Jezebel knew very well that Jehu had NOT come in peace, but she appealed to his mercy with false flattery.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Unlock Your Destiny

Are you ready to discover a valuable key that will unlock your destiny?  Are you excited that God desires that we each discover something that has the potential to completely change your life...for the better?  Dear believer, this thought will launch you forth in fulfilling destiny;  right believing results in right living !  It's such a simple statement...but it is true and packed with power!  We've been in a spiritual "lock-down" for far too long.  Why?  And how did it get this way?  What have we allowed in our belief systems and thoughts have allowed the enemy to erect strongholds that attempt to block our future? 
It wasn't until I came to the end of myself, being tired, frustrated, and having no vision, that I realized that I was allowing circumstances and past failures to dictate my future.  Shame and fear of failure were continual reminders of dreams that seemed dead, vision that no longer existed and little or no passion to propel me forward. What was the root of my issue?  A faulty belief system. Allow me to explain a bit.
Faulty Belief Systems
Many of us are in the same boat as I was concerning faulty  belief systems.  All too often we build upon  selfish desires and religious mindsets rather than being led by the Holy Spirit.  He is the author and finisher of our faith and the Master Architect of our lives!  Why then, do we not trust Him and relinquish control?  When I came to the end of Sandie Freed I realized that I had removed Him from being the architect that molded and shaped me and my life.  Maybe you have dome the same and came to the realization that we were not created to be the Creator!
It has always been important for me to be successful.  I don't believe that I am isolated in this desire.  However, true success lies in fulfilling our godly assignments and not necessarily gauged by what the world deems successful.  It has taken me almost three decades to understand this.  I hope that I can help you find that place of  resting in God as I have been experiencing.  Jesus Christ  is our Land of Rest!    Faulty belief systems say "I have to work hard for God to prove my value."  No, the Lord desires relationship and not performance.  The Old Covenant demands religious performance, the New Covenant is based upon the finished work of Jesus Christ.  The New Covenant is not about religion, it is all about relationship with God. 

Living Free of Religion
We are in a season where there is fresh revelation concerning renewing our passion for God and pursuing His presence.  Again, there is a need for us to begin to focus on our relationship with our God.  Unfortunately, relationship has been based upon humanity adhering to rituals, erroneous traditions, religious mindsets and rules all in the name of "religion."  However, in all of this, we have accepted a "form of religion," but not experienced the raw power of God.  These forms of religion have become mere substitutes for relationship with God. 
Are you ready to let go of all that hinders you from achieving destiny?  I pray so!  I have written an entire book Faith After Failure, Reconnecting with Destiny, (Click on books on this site to preview and/or go to www.lifegatechurch.org to order)/  Many of us are fearful that we have messed up too badly for God to still use us to demonstrate His glory and Kingdom on earth.  Not so!  He is always pursuing us and desires to empower us to fulfill destiny and purpose. 
A faulty belief system teaches that you're not worthy, not good-enough, not holy enough....just plain not enough....for God to bless you and use you.  Again, this is not so!  It is a lie.  Allow me to show you how to reconnect your faith with God's faith in you!  As you read this book, I know you will be transformed and healed of the pain of your past.  You will receive  revelation concerning being free...and even more...free indeed!
God bless you as you pursue divine destiny!

Recommended Reading:

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Knowing How the Enemy Operates

Ever seen a wrestling match?  My high school had a wrestling team, and though it was never one of my favorite sports, I attended a few matches.   I didn't completely understand the rules,  yet it was clear that most of the opponents efforts were consumed with pinning each other down so that they could no longer move.  Apostle Paul compared our spiritual warfare to times that we actually  wrestled with the enemy:
" Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
  For we  wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against  principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." ((Eph 4:11-12 with emphasis).
Yes, we are in a wrestling match with the devil!  And he is attempting to pin us down and render us helpless.  The battle Apostle Paul was describing was actually a brutal one which involved face-to-face combat.  In those days, the loser in these matches had their eyes gouged out and that 's why Apostle Paul was basically encouraging the Ephesians to understand what they were up against.
Know How the Enemy Operates
We must know how our opponent operates and also know what we need to do in order to win our spiritual battles.  Precious saint, we are fighting a spiritual battle with a  crafty  opponent  In the garden, Satan is described as  both  subtle and crafty. (See Genesis 3:1) (AMP).  This means that the devils is extremely cunning and sly with his many tricks and seductions.  Wrestling with an opponent as this means he will cheat, trick us, and catch us off guard to win!  We must remain diligent and on guard whenever we are in a spiritual battle.
John 10:10 describes our enemy as one who seeks to steal, kill and destroy!  Our enemy develops strategies with moves and counter moves, plans and numerous schemes with a focus to completely destroy us!
Remember, he's a snake and he will wait patiently until just the right moment to strike out.  He mostly attacks when we're down, discouraged and/or exhausted.  Yes, it is true that we have been given all power over the devil and his demonic cohorts through the name of Jesus.  But we must also understand his methods of warfare.  We cannot underestimate his craftiness, trickery, lies and deceptions.  And, dear one, this is the reason why we  must  put on our full armour!  Whenever we do that, we are putting on the strength of the Lord!  We cannot fight this battle in our own strength- we need  His strength!  And, we also must have the mind of Christ!
Take Every Thought Captive
 2 Corinthians 10:3-8 gives us incredible insight into victorious spiritual warfare:
"For though we walk int he flesh, we do not war after the flesh. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds,) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
The enemy targets our thoughts. Remember, he is sly, crafty and seductive!   He is known as the "Accuser of the Brethren " who speaks lies to God's people.  The devil will  always speak opposite of what God says about each of us.  We must take responsibility and cast those evil, negative thoughts down and replace those thoughts with the Word of God.  Whenever we do this, we are also renewing our minds and developing the mind of Christ.  Any thoughts we think that are contrary to what God says in His Word ...we must cast it down! 
Our fight is not in the natural real,, but in the supernatural realm.  I do  a lot of spiritual counseling when and in the sessions I realize that many believer's thoughts are targeted by the enemy!  And, they don't need counseling- they need to cast negative, demonically inspired, thoughts down!  It's true, really!  A whole lot of counseling time is unnecessary...believers can do much of  their spiritual homework at home by taking control of their thoughts.  Now, I'm not at all implying saints don't need counselors.  Not at all!  What I am saying is that a counselor cannot cast down your thoughts...only you can. 
Let me encourage you to put on the full armour of God and be determined that you are not going to quit!  The enemy may have worn you down, but you have not lost the battle.  Jesus has already won the battle, but we must take our rightful authority and defeat the devil's lies concerning us. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Know Your Enemy

My heart was pounding....really fast...actually racing!  I was angry at the devil.  To be sincere, I was just flat angry.  ANGRY about everything!  And with all that, I was exhausted!  I felt as if my strength had taken a long vacation.  I had prayed so much that I couldn't find any more words.  I began to cry out, "Lord!  What in the world is going on? ....I feel that there is a wall in front of me that is blocking my forward progression! I need a strategy from heaven!"
Ever felt like that?  I'll just bet you've experienced something similar to what I was experiencing. You see, dear one, most of us know that we are fighting a spiritual battle in the spirit realm.  And, yes, we DO have an enemy!  Whether we refer to him as the devil, Satan, the Accuser or the evil one, he is the enemy of God and our own souls.  However, many believers do not understand his strategies and tactics and how he operates.  But, if we want to defeat him, we must know how he works against us.
Where is the Enemy?
Just before Joshua led Israel into battle, Jesus appeared to him and said:
      And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked; and behold there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand:  and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?
     And he said, Nay, but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come.  And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?
     And the captain of the Lord's host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot, for the place whereon thous standest is holy.  And Joshua did so.
     Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out, and none came in.  (Joshua 5:13-6:1).

     Then, Jesus gave Joshua very explicit instructions concerning how to take the city of Jericho.  Take a few moments and read Joshua 6:2-5.  In that passage you will find directives given to Joshua such as how many  times and how many days to march around the walls that fortified Jericho, how many trumpets the priests were to carry and blow. Every directive had to be followed exactly as God said or else whenever they shouted the wall would not fall!  Yes, the Bible says that when Joshua did exactly as God commanded, the wall of Jericho fell completely flat!  Most of you know this entire story and the great victory which occurred because they were given a divine strategy for warfare. 

Jesus Has Crushed Our Enemies!
     God has victory planned for us as well.  Thank God, Jesus is our captain also and He knows exactly how to defeat the enemy on our behalf because He has already crushed the enemy at the cross and resurrection!    Paul wrote in Ephesians 1:19-22 that Jesus overcame death and was raised up and seated "far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named."  That means that whatever name the devil has, each of those names is defeated because of what Jesus accomplished!  Jesus is our mighty warrior who has defeated all of his enemies (and ours as well) and has "..put all things under His feet!"

The Wall that Stands Before You
     Joshua understood that the wall of Jericho was merely a key that would unlock the entire city of Jericho.  He understood that the promised victory of taking Jericho was behind that wall....the  wall was the problem!  Dear one, each of us has a wall that attempts to block our promise!  The enemy loves to block our vision with walls.  But we must remember that behind every problem is a promise waiting to be actualized.  We can't allow any problem to hinder us from possessing our promises! 
The enemy would like for you to focus on the magnitude of the wall, but we must remain focused on the promise.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Purpose in God's Testings

I was so angry I wanted to scream...loudly!  Then, suddenly I felt exposed....everyone around witnessed me in a very vulnerable moment.  Yep, I was red-faced and I do believe my hair stood on end.  There was no hiding it anymore. I was irritated...off the chart irritated... with one of God's children!   I had tried to love her, but now it seemed as if she was desiring a competitive  cat-fight ! I think my fingernails were forming into claws by the seconds. But God  used this encounter (another test, actually) to alert me to see that my patience and love tank registered close to empty... thankfully I embraced His grace to take a deep breath and walk in love again. Loving one another is a big deal to God, and I needed my heart to align with His...especially on this particular matter.
My Test
What you just read was another  test  specifically designed by heaven for me.  I could no longer preach,write or teach about God's love...I had to walk it out myself and pass the test of unconditional love. It is probably obvious to many of us- women sometimes have problems with other women.  It doesn't have to be that way, but by nature women are competitive with other women in many areas. Just to mention a few tests to pass as a woman:  gossip, jealousy, strife, competition, envy...and more! The enemy strategies often to bring strife among women...I'm certain of it! But there is no gender involved whenever it comes to ways the enemy seduces God's children to  have issues with each other.  Unity is important to God- is it any wonder why the devil seeks to promote disunity and strife?  (Take a quick look at Ps 133 for a great study on unity!)
As a pastor of a  local church and also as an author and  traveling minister, I have encountered many different confrontations from evil spirits that are active in people.  In the testimony above, a certain woman kept deliberately annoying me and distracted me during my teaching concerning God's grace. The entire encounter reminds me of when Apostle Paul encountered a spirit of divination (see Acts 16:16).   At the end of my teaching she would then approach me and attempt to entangle me in a heated debate. It was obvious to me that she was extremely performance driven, and I had been teaching on grace for quite a while.  It's true the devil doesn't like the message of grace.  And he will use whoever he can to use to falsely accuse godly leaders who are passionately pursuing truth.  For me that day, it was a test.  Could I walk in love...no matter what? 
Again, this was another test for me.  I don't like tests.  In school I had to study diligently to do well...but God sees tests differently.  I'll just remain honest... I have had to stop and ask myself these questions several times:  Why does God test us?  And what is the purpose of it?

The Definition of a Test
The dictionary gives us an interesting definition of tests.  For humans in particular it applies to us in verb form meaning that : a test is a form of ascertaining the worth of a person.....  subject to certain examinations.   (See Collins English Dictionary).  We do not endure testing because God is upset with us- no way!  However, it is a mark of God's favor because it is His desire to establish our value!
Wow!  How awesome is that!  let me explain a little more.  Reader, you're going to love this blog!

Think for a moment about a jeweler and how he/she subjects silver or gold to a  test.  The test is done because there is value.  The tests determines just how much value is to be proven.  Wow! 
This puts a whole new slant on a test.  It's not that we are less valuable in the end...it's the thought of how God desires to  prove to us and others our value. 
God Wants to Prove Your Value!

Dear one, He believes in you!  He wants to prove to you and others just how valuable you are.  Therefore, embrace your tests and respond with joy!  James 1:2-4 says " My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."

Did you notice that whenever we are in a trial our faith is tested?  Yes, our belief systems become challenged whenever we go through a test.  In a trial, the Accuser of the Brethren falsely accuses us.  The enemy lies about us concerning our identity in God  and he lies concerning God's faithfulness and His desire to bless us.  I don't know about you, but when I'm in a test. or experiencing a trial, doubt arises.  I am tempted during hard times to doubt God's promises...and doubt my own value. It is in a test that we must remind ourselves of who we are in God.  During tests our confessions should be "I am a child of the King," "I am valuable,"  " I am blessed," "I am royalty." (etc). Whenever we do this God is proving to us our value again...and He is proving it also to the devil!
Overcome Lack
 I don't want to experience any more lack....do you?  James 1:2-4 says that we count it joy whenever we go through a trial so that patience is developed  and we are perfected and completed... lacking nothing!  Believer, this means that God has prepared a test to prepare us for greatness...lacking nothing!  A test is an introductory paragraph to a great testimony!!!
Yes, God desires that we cycle out of lack, therefore, a test might be required so that we come out of our past lack!  Embrace each test...it's all meant to prove our value and empower us for increase!  We are in a season of increase.  At the beginning of this year I saw a very large river.  I asked the Lord what the river was and He said it was "The River of Increase."  Dear one, jump in the river today!  Embrace increase...no matter what the test is....remember it is necessary to prepare you for increase.