Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Find Out if Your are Being Vexed by the Enemy!

Vexation.  What is it?  How do I know that I am experiencing it?  These are questions that need answers.   I have been studying this subject for several years, and in fact, I have written about vexation in one of my latest books,  The Jezebel Yoke.   In this blog I will get straight to the point concerning the meaning of vexation and the evil demonic powers behind it. If you have been experiencing any of this it is highly possible that you have been vexed by the enemy:

  • Feeling like you're at the "end of your rope!"
  • Inability to concentrate and confused
  • Feeling intense pressure
  • Feeling as if you are under some type of "witchcraft" assignment
  • Targeted by the enemy
  • Struggling with manipulation and control
  • Feeling oppressed
  • Feeling cramped, (as if you are closed off from destiny), limited and cut-off
  • Feeling bound up and unable to break free
  • Loss of vision
  • Battling a death structure
  • Unable to get past your past
If you are experiencing any of this keep reading!  The Lord wants you to possess your Promised
Land and experience freedom!

Demonic Possession

Vexation in the New Testament makes reference to demonic "possession."  It is this writers opinion that a Christian cannot be completely "possessed" by the devil. However, I strongly believe that a Christian can need deliverance from a demonic stronghold or influence.   If you recall, Jesus even asked Peter how Satan had found an entrance to his heart.  Yes, even though Peter was a follower of Christ, he was still influenced by a demonic presence. We are in a season where we need to check our hearts and repent if we have opened a door to demonic opposition.  We often open doors through the  eye gate (not being cautious what we allow our natural eyes to behold),  and the ear gate (not being protective of what we listen to). 

Vexation is also linked with territorial spirits of lawlessness because, as I documented in my book, vexation can affect large masses of people.  So mobs of rioting and uprisings are often connected to demonic spirits which cause a vexation in others.